Hiring New Employees

The Notice

It’s the end of the month and your plate is overflowing, the phone rings, it’s your best employee who says she just inherited her great Aunt Ethel’s cruise line fortune and won’t be returning to work. While replacing this employee will take a significant amount of energy, the hiring process is a team effort. Cambridge supports each manager in the important steps that will occur during the following days.

What will the new hire do

The hiring manager establishes or confirms the details of employment which are memorialized in a written job description for the open position. In addition, to duties and responsibilities, the details will include:

  • weekly hours worked
  • days of work
  • rate of pay
  • value of housing credit (if applicable)

If a current supervisor approved job description exists, contact Human Resources and obtain a the current version. If the current job description needs to be significantly updated or a description does not exist, the supervisor will assist the manager with the creation.

Getting the word out

To start the advertising effort, the recruiter provides Human Resources a copy of the final, supervisor-approved job description. The hiring manager typically has a pretty good idea of what type of advertising will target the best candidate. Working with the Human Resources department at the Site Employee Resource Center, an advertisement is developed and the media to publicize the opening is identified. Placement may include:

  • Local Newspaper
  • Online Source (example: Craigslist)

Final Supervisor approval

Prior to publication, of newly developed ads, Human Resources obtains the supervisor’s final approval for the advertising content. For all ads, Human Resources receives the supervisors approval obtained for the number of insertions and publication(s) selected for advertisement.

Applicant Responses

Within days, sometimes hours, of placing an effective ad, responses to the advertisements will begin arriving. The hiring manager’s work is just beginning. At this part of the process, the hiring manager:

Reviews resumes and applications

Conduct phone interviews


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