Floating Maintenance

Cambridge Real Estate Services employs ‘floating’ maintenance personnel to provide a high level of service to the residents and owners of properties that are too small to warrant having a full-time site maintenance technician.

Floating can be demanding and has unique issues that can be difficult for both the maintenance personnel and the Site Manager. Because of this, this section redefines some of the administrative duties of the job and adds additional structure. Providing specific procedures will alleviate some of the frustration and confusion that can accompany the position.

Work Hours

Work hours can be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a half-hour for lunch, or 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. with an hour lunch. The choice is to be the mutual decision of the maintenance worker and the Site Manager and may vary depending on the property.

If for any reason the maintenance worker needs to modify the work hours for a particular day, the Site Manager needs to be notified. At the Site Manager’s discretion, the maintenance worker may also be asked to notify the Regional Maintenance Supervisor of the change in the work schedule as well.

Unplanned Absences

If the maintenance worker will be absent for a work day, they are required to call the property they are scheduled to work at before the scheduled start time to notify the Site Manager of the absence. The maintenance worker also needs to inform the Regional Maintenance Supervisor of the planned absence.

Please refer to the Employee Handbook regarding acceptable forms of notification.

Paid Leave

The maintenance worker is required to schedule any paid leave in advance with the manager or managers of the properties affected. The maintenance worker will also need to inform the Regional Maintenance Supervisor of their planned absence. Once the manager(s) and the Regional Maintenance Supervisor have been notified and have consented to paid leave, a Paid Leave Request form (eforms, Form C335) must be submitted to the Site Employee Resource Center for review and approval. It is the responsibility of the maintenance worker to notify all parties of the request for paid leave. Furthermore, it is the maintenance worker’s responsibility to procure coverage for the property and the on-call emergency pager while on leave.

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