Step 1: Friendly Reminder
- Talk It Out – speak directly to resident(s) about the issue.
- Communicate – in writing using the eForms program. Make sure to add a copy of all notices served to the resident file.
→ Noise Violation
→ Unauthorized Pet
→ Patio Condition
- Document – write notes in your manager’s log.
Step 2: More Assertive Notice
If violation persists further action is necessary:
- Communicate – in writing using the eForms program. Make sure to add a copy of all notices served to the resident file.
- Progressively More Assertive Notices; 2 to 3 Warnings
→ Use Good Judgment; Are Residents (or is Community) at Risk.
→ Speak to your Property Supervisor
- Document – write notes in your manager’s log.
Step 3: Last Resort
When all else fails:
- Request Termination of Tenancy Using E-Forms
- This is a Last Resort Remedy
→ Use Good Judgment; Are You Being Objective?
→ Does the Punishment of Eviction Fit The Infraction?
- Document– write notes in your manager’s log and notices served to resident file.