How to fill out the Questionnaire

Please review the Questionnaires for California, Oregon, Idaho, and RD/HUD properties for “TIPS on how to fill out the Questionnaire”.

We have highlighted key wording in the questionnaire to grab your attention when completing this form, with TIPS throughout the form. These are “examples only”.

TIP to take away– If the answer is YESALL fields in the questions must be answered, and will require additional forms and/or verification.

California Tax Credit Questionnaire
Idaho Tax Credit Questionnaire
Oregon Tax Credit Questionnaire
RD-HUD Tax Credit Questionnaire

Examples on how to fill out the Child / Spousal Support Form

Please review the Child / Spousal Support Forms for California, Oregon, Idaho, and RD/HUD properties for Examples on how to fill out the Child / Spousal Support Form ”.

We have highlighted key wording on the form to grab your attention when completing this form, with TIPS throughout. These are “examples only”.

TIP to take away– If the answer is YESALL fields in the section “must have a response” and require supporting documentation in the file.

California Child – Spousal Support Affidavit Form CA
HUD – RD Child Support Affidavit Form C385
Idaho Child Support Affidavit Form C385
Oregon Child Support Certification TCOR014

Passbook Rate

Effective January 1st, 2024, a change has been made to the income certifications in Yardi.

The Passbook Rate used to calculate Imputed Income has changed from .06% to .40%.

Please note this change if you ever have to make this calculation by hand. In most cases, however, Yardi will take care of it for you!

Remember that either the Imputed Income from Assets or the Actual Income from Assets is to be used, whichever is greater – not both. (See the example where the Actual Income from Assets was used.)

Click here to view example.